31 October 2010

the sunday afternoon break

some cubed quince slowly cooked with pepper corns, cinnamon stick and cloves in a bit of water and demerara sugar. it is lovely with full cream or vanilla ice cream but here in a healthier version with plain homemade yogurt and broken walnut pieces ... and tea, of course! enjoy ...

cubinhos de marmelo cozidos lentamente num pouco de água com açúcar demerara, grãos de pimenta, pau de canela e cravos de cabecinha. é óptimo com natas ou gelado de baunilha mas aqui apresentado com iogurte natural feito em casa e pedaços de noz ... acompanhado de chá, claro! ummmm ...


finally I had some proper ceramic transfers made to identify otchipotchi pieces. still testing them! it will mean an extra firing (3 in total!) for the pieces but indispensable. the next batch should have them on...I'm starting to feel a tiny bit professional! ;)
enjoy a wonderful sunday! in here it is raining and so, so windy ... xox .p
finalmente adquiri uns transferes para cerâmica para as peças otchipotchi. ainda estou a testá-los! significa mais uma queima (3 no total!) para as peças mas imprescindível . a próxima fornada já será com estes ... começo-me a sentir um pouquinho profissional! ;)
um bom domingo chuvoso e ventoso! bjs .p

30 October 2010

happy halloween! :)

this afternoon matilda was sleeping in the usual place under a little old blanket that I had placed on her "bed". when I looked her way I found her like this ... glad I had the camera nearby! :)
esta tarde matilda estava a dormir debaixo de um cobertorzito que lhe coloquei no sitio do costume. quando me voltei e olhei na direcção dela encontrei-a assim ... ainda bem que tinha a máquina à mão! :)


collecting roots for project with ana ... working ... the storks are back ... it is raining ... a good day to stay cosy indoors working along with the sound of music and the rain.

have a happy weekend! love .p

27 October 2010

on my working table today

australia, canada, czech republic, norway, the netherlands, the usa ... if you ordered in the last week chances are one of these is yours. :)

thank you all who have been supporting my work in the last few months not only through purchases but also through your friendly words ... it has all been so important to me. thank you! *
muito obrigada a todos o que têm vindo a apoiar o meu trabalho, não só através de compras mas também através de todas as palavras de amizade. tem sido imensamente importante para mim. bem hajam! *

26 October 2010

the famous five :)

these were the chosen otchipotchi pieces for the POPs 2010 edition at Serralves which is taking place until next sunday the 31st October.
unfortunately I won't be able to go and see it in person but I found a small image with my pieces at the exhibition in this blog next to beautiful jewelery pieces by Joana Ribeiro :)
you can see them better if you click on the last image in her blog
estas foram as peças otchipotchi seleccionadas para fazerem parte da mostra POPs 2010 que se encontra patente até domingo dia 31 de Outubro em Serralves.
infelizmente não me é de todo possível ir vêr ao vivo mas encontrei uma pequena imagem com as minhas peças expostas neste blog ao lado de umas peças de joalharia muito bonitas da Joana Ribeiro :)
podem ver melhor se seleccionarem a última imagem no blog da Joana

25 October 2010

on my working table today

sanding, sanding away ...
have a relaxing evening ...good night! .p

23 October 2010

coffee and banksia pods

good morning! as some of you will know I'm essentially a tea person but very occasionally I need a strong cup of coffee ... enjoy your day! .p

the banksia and other pretty pods came all the way from distant Australia sent to me by lovely Candice. thank you dear! :)

21 October 2010


one of these days I will send her away! :)
while I was packing just turned for a few moments and there she was ... inside the box. I love her!♡

autumn swallows

just to let you know that they are back for a limited time only (until Christmas!) ... after quite a lot of requests I decided to make them for Christmas.

só para informar que elas estão de volta por um período limitado (até ao Natal!) ... depois de muitos pedidos decidi voltar a fazer para o Natal.

20 October 2010


a porcelain piece made by multi-talented ana ventura in my studio and an insight into what our project will be :)

enjoy! .p


did you know that matilda is becoming famous? :) ... my sweet model!

19 October 2010

my tagine

after several requests from "many families" ;) here is the recipe for my vegetarian tagine ...

*2 tablespoons olive oil
*1 onion chopped
*1 cloves garlic crushed
*1 small aubergine cut into 2cm cubes
*1 courgette cut into 2cm cubes
*1 red pepper cleaned, sliced and cut into pieces
*1 small butternut squash peeled, cleaned and cut into 2cm cubes
*1 teaspoon ground cumin
*1/2 teaspoon turmeric
*1/2 teaspoon paprika
*1 cinnamon stick
*a pinch of salt
*150ml tomato puree
*150 gr cooked chick peas and a bit of the cooking liquid
*50 gr dried apricots or dried plums cut into half
*50 gr slivered toasted almonds
* a handful of chopped fresh coriander

gently fry the onion and garlic in the olive oil. add all vegetables and fry gently, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes. add all the spices and salt and stir well. add the tomato puree, the cooked chick peas with a bit of the cooking liquid and the apricots or plums. bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until all vegetables are very tender.
meanwhile cook some couscous according to the instructions in the pack or make some fluffy rice.
when the tagine is ready test for seasoning and serve hot with the couscous or rice and sprinkled with the toasted almonds and coriander.

... and this is to *celebrate* my work feature at bloesem today. bon appetit! :)

image from the very talented ana ventura who had the opportunity to try this recipe for herself and with whom I'm preparing a little special project ... tomorrow I will show you how talented she is in ceramics too ... and in here you can have a peek into my little territory ... obrigada Ana! ;)

18 October 2010

urban bazaar

another fantastic brand new place (opened this weekend) selling otchipotchi products ... you can link to their facebook page here ... all images from urban bazaar

rua d. antónio ferreira gomes, 273 loja1
4400-112 vila nova gaia · portugal
mais uma loja fantástica novinha em folha (abriu este fim de semana) onde encontrar produtos otchipotchi ... pode ligar-se à página do facebook da loja aqui. se passar em vila nova de gaia não se esqueça de visitar ... todas as imagens são da urban bazaar

rua d. antónio ferreira gomes, 273 loja1
4400-112 vila nova gaia · portugal

17 October 2010

the afternoon break

the first ones of the year have a special taste that I love ... the taste of memories! now all citrus trees are showing the first orange and yellow dots, so homely!
from now on until spring these will be part of my daily intake ... a boost of vitamin C to keep colds and flu away! :)

hope everyone is well, much love! .p

13 October 2010

on my working table

yesterday morning ready for the final polish and washing ... then packing!

8 October 2010


I hadn't seen a rainbow for a very long time, years I think! ... today I was rewarded with two at the same time ... I made a wish!

have a rainbow weekend! .p